Betekenis van:
hammer in

to hammer in
    • teach by drills and repetition





    1. I keep my hammer in the toolbox.
    2. He drove in a nail with his hammer.
    3. With a hammer and nails in her hand, she headed straight here.
    4. An unbreakable walnut in Bern has taken several casualties: 17 nutcrackers, 29 teeth, and a hammer.
    5. To the man who only has a hammer in the toolkit, every problem looks like a nail.
    6. .2 Means shall be provided for draining every steam pipe in which dangerous water hammer action might otherwise occur.
    7. In the above example of the hammer, this could be the hammer head breaking, since pieces of the broken head could fly into one’s eye, possibly blinding the user.
    8. The weakness was determined in a test, and with the reported weakness the probability of the hammer head breaking during the otherwise expected lifetime of the hammer is put at 1/10. Step 2: One of the pieces of the hammer hits the user when it breaks.
    9. In the above example of the hammer, if the hammer grip is very weak, the most likely injury scenario would be from the grip breaking, and that should therefore be decisive.
    10. The weakness was determined in a test, and with the reported weakness the probability of the hammer head breaking during the otherwise expected lifetime of the hammer is put at 1/10.
    11. All lymph nodes shall be pooled and closed in a plastic bag and banged with a hammer or so on the plastic bag smashing the lymph nodes.
    12. All lymph nodes shall be pooled and closed in a plastic bag and banged with a hammer or by similar means on the plastic bag smashing the lymph nodes.
    13. Crusher of non-moisture-absorbing material which is easy to clean, allows rapid, even crushing without producing any appreciable heating, prevents contact with the outside air as far as possible and meets the requirements laid down in 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 (e.g. hammer or water cooled micro-crushers, collapsible cone mills, slow motion or cog wheeled crushers).
    14. Except in the case of test 2 for interior mirrors (see paragraph, when the pendulum is in a vertical position the horizontal and longitudinal vertical planes passing through the centre of the hammer shall pass through the centre of the reflecting surface as defined in paragraph The longitudinal direction of oscillation of the pendulum shall be parallel to the longitudinal median plane of the vehicle.